Last week marked an Apache Iceberg milestone with the 1st Iceberg Summit. It was an astounding success for a first-time event. Here are some of the key stats from the Summit, plus the most popular talks.

  • 32 keynotes, sessions and panels
  • 3,291 registrants
  • 2,271 attendees
  • 69% attendance rate (folks, this just doesn’t happen)!!!!
  • 6 hrs 25 mins average engagement

The top talks in terms of attendance were

  • Opening Keynote: The Quiet Revolution by Ryan Blue, Iceberg PMC Chair and Tabular (now part of Databricks) CEO (869)
  • Leveraging Iceberg in Netflix Studio and Creative Production (591)
  • Building an EB-Scale Feature Store at ByteDance (559)
  • Glacial Growth: Data Platform for Foundation Models, IBM (507)
  • Enforcing Fine Grained Access Control with Spark and Iceberg, AWS (505)
  • Toward Optimizing EB Iceberg Lakes, TenCent (488)
  • Day 2 Keynote: Iceberg Development at Apple (445)

The 45 minute sessions that engaged people with the most were:

  • Leveraging Iceberg Puffin Files to Accelerate Queries, Bodo (67 mins)
  • Unleashing Analytical Productivity at Pinterest with Apache (67)
  • Historical Data Archive at Bloomberg using Iceberg 366 (65)
  • From Legacy Mart to Data Product Excellence, Syngenta (64)
  • Toward Optimizing EB Iceberg Lakes, TenCent (57)

We encourage you to watch as many of the recordings as you have time for, and we’ll see you at the next Summit!