
September 2022 – Iceberg Community News

stormy beach

This post recaps some of the highlights around the Iceberg community in the month of September.

Official Python Release

For the first time, an official Iceberg python library has been released to PyPi! The new library, pyiceberg comes with a very cool CLI for exploring an Iceberg catalog
and also lets you list, drop, and rename tables. The 0.1.0 version comes with support for using either s3fs or pyarrow for reading from S3, as well as support for
the Hive catalog and REST catalog implementations.

pip3 install "pyiceberg[s3fs,hive]"

Iceberg Core

Table statistics are now exposed through the Table API. This makes it easy to find statistics files that provide additional metadata for a given table. To learn more about
this, check out the Table statistics section of the Iceberg spec.

Another new addition this month is a new row-based changelog reader that’s been added using the new changelog scan planning API. This new reader provides scan tasks for
added or deleted files as well as added or deleted rows.

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